
Mercury in Retrograde: What You Need to Know – November 2019

Feeling sluggish? Annoyed with delays? Experiencing miscommunication or general communication problems? Having disagreements and misunderstandings?  Did your computer crash or are you having other tech problems? If any of this sounds familiar..

I’m here to tell you that you’re not the only one!

Mercury is in Retrograde, my friends, and here’s everything you need to know about this kooky, unnerving time.

What does Mercury in Retrograde mean?

Mercury in Retrograde: What You Need to Know - November 2019 | Mercury Retrograde | Survive Mercury retrograde | effects of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio #MercuryRetrograde #Astrology #SurviveMercuryRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde2019 #MercuryRetrogradeAstrology #MercuryRetrogradeEfffects

When a planet is in retrograde, it moves “backward” into orbit. Without getting too technical, when Mercury is in retrograde, it appears to orbit in the opposite direction.

Each planet in our Solar System moves in the same direction, however, because Earth orbits around the sun faster than other, larger planets (Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, etc.), the Earth tends to lap or pass these planets in its journey around the Sun.

When the Earth passes another planet, that planet appears to move “backward.” Instead of moving west to east, it appears to orbit from east to west.

The apparent reversal in Mercury’s orbit is just an illusion to the people viewing it from Earth.  When the planets are next to one another on the same side of the sun, Mercury looks like it’s moving east to west to those of us on Earth. Simply said, Mercury appears to be going backward. 

Mercury in Retrograde 2019-2020

Mercury in Retrograde tends to happen 3 (sometimes 4) times a year, and it has been written about in astrology history since the mid-18th century.

Mercury has already entered retrograde three times this year. Here are some past and future dates to be aware of:

  • March 5th- 28th 2019
  • July 8th- August 1st 2019
  • October 31- November 20th 2019 (currently in Retrograde)
  • February 18th- March 9th 2020
  • June 19th- July 11th 2020

How does Mercury in Retrograde affect me?

Astrologers believe that each planet in the solar system rules a different aspect of life. While Venus rules love and Jupiter rules luck, Mercury is said to be associated with communication and transportation.

As a result, you may experience many delays, miscommunications, tech issues, etc.

This is NOT a good time to sign contracts (including leases), make big decisions, travel, make (travel) plans, conduct important business, start businesses or partnerships, get into relationships, purchase electronics, buy large or important purchases, etc.

Proceed with caution when making plans or starting anything new during this time period. You may regret it or you may end up making changes in the future!

For example, during the first retrograde of this year, I booked a trip to Italy. I cringed as I did this, as I was fully aware that booking during Mercury in Retrograde would most likely result in my plans changing or being canceled altogether. Not to mention, I was basically setting myself up for flight delays and other transportation and communication mishaps. As the trip got a bit closer, I indeed ended up altering all of my plans. As a result, I lost a chunk of money on a hotel that I couldn’t get back.

Mercury in Retrograde: What You Need to Know - November 2019 | Mercury Retrograde | Survive Mercury retrograde | effects of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio #MercuryRetrograde #Astrology #SurviveMercuryRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde2019 #MercuryRetrogradeAstrology #MercuryRetrogradeEfffects

If Mercury in Retrograde takes place during your sun sign (your birthday month) or rising sign, then you will feel the effects of the retrograde more than other sun signs. Currently, Scorpios (those born October 21-November 20) are feeling it the worst, as Mercury retrograde is in their sign.

You can navigate this period by simply allowing yourself more time to get from Point A to Point B, backing up your computers, double-checking your work, and making sure you are clear on your communications!  Especially, double-check any text messages or emails that you send…..they may end up going to the wrong person!

The benefits of Mercury in Retrograde

One benefit of Mercury being in Retrograde is the ability to look back on the past, reevaluate, and review. Mercury also serves as a time period to come back to past projects and re-do or revamp them. I always find myself revamping aspects of my blog during these time periods.

Not to mention, you may run into or hear from people from your past. Over the past few years, each Mercury in Retrograde period has brought back one, if not a couple, of my ex-boyfriends. It’s now an on-going joke with my mom to see which one of my exes comes back during each retrograde. Lesson learned: always look your best when you venture out to the grocery store!  You never know who you may run into!

Beware of the Shadow Period

Mercury is technically in retrograde for three weeks, more or less, however, most people tend to ignore the shadow periods, which take place before and after the actual dates.

Things begin to go haywire about a week+ before Mercury enters retrograde. You may continue to experience retrograde consequences even after Mercury is technically out of retrograde. Regarding this current retrograde period, I’m not signing papers or making big decisions until December 1st, just to be safe!

Are you experiencing the consequences of Mercury in Retrograde? Comment below! 🙂

P.s. don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for my latest videos!


Mindfully Glam by Marisa Barnard | Glam, Fashion, Beauty, Wellness, Holistic Health, Dating & Relationships, Travel, and Jetset
Mercury in Retrograde: What You Need to Know - November 2019 | Mercury Retrograde | Survive Mercury retrograde | effects of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio #MercuryRetrograde #Astrology #SurviveMercuryRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde2019 #MercuryRetrogradeAstrology #MercuryRetrogradeEfffects

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