Chakras, Wellness

A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing Your Sacral Chakra – with Affirmations

A few years ago, I began learning about the chakras, or the seven energy centers of the body. Having an interest in health, wellness, and spirituality, I knew studying the chakras was inevitable along my journey.

Is Your Sacral Chakra Blocked!? A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing your Sacral Chakra! How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra with Affirmations for Beginners - Sacral Chakra Healing | Svadhishthana Chakra | Blocked Chakras | How to unblock your chakras | Chakra Affirmations | Sacral Chakra Imbalance | Chakra Meditations #EnergyCenters #SacralChakra #Chakra #Healing #ChakraMeditation #ChakraAffirmations #PositiveSayings #Positivity #Svadhishthana

Chakras are energy centers. Energy flows through these specific points of the body.

The chakras aren’t a bunch of hocus pocus–hear me out! If there’s anything I remember from physics class (which isn’t much), it’s that everything is made up of energy, including you.

Chakras are energy centers, and energy flows through these certain points of the body. If these energy centers are blocked, energy cannot flow through.  Blocked chakras are said to lead to both physical and psychological illnesses.

Although very skeptical about this chakra nonsense at first, I began reading “Chakras for Beginners” by David Pond, and everything began to make sense. This book is a super easy read and a great intro to the chakras. I strongly suggest reading it! Click here to check it out.

The 7 Chakras for Beginners” by MindBodyGreen is also a very helpful cheat sheet for beginners who are interested in learning about these energy centers. 

First things first: you need to balance your root chakra before your sacral chakra.

Your sacral chakra is the second energy center of your body, while the root chakra (Muladhara) is the first energy center of your body.

It is believed that you must balance all of the chakras in order, starting with the root and followed by the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras.   Read my first post on how to balance your root chakra here.

Sorry friends, there aren’t any shortcuts here. You need to go in order and each chakra may take some time to balance. If there is anything that I have learned in life thus far, it’s that you must rip off the band-aid and get to the root of the problem in order to fix a problem.

Related: A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing Your Root Chakra – with Affirmations

Svadhishthana, the Sacral Chakra

Sva means “self” and shthana means “place.” The sacral chakra, or Svadhishthana, is located in the abdomen/pelvic region. It is the second energy center of the body, following the root chakra located in the tailbone area. The Sacral chakra is represented by the color orange and associated with the kidney, bladder, reproductive system, and genitals.

This chakra represents our creative energies, pleasure, sexuality, and abilities to feel and change. Awakening this chakra brings clarity, confidence, consciousness, and self-development within these areas.

When energy flows through this chakra, you feel a sense of abundance and confidence within yourself and sexuality. If your sacral chakra is unbalanced, you may have emotional issues relating to sexuality, pleasure, and well-being. No bueno!

Is Your Sacral Chakra Blocked!? A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing your Sacral Chakra! How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra with Affirmations for Beginners - Sacral Chakra Healing | Svadhishthana Chakra | Blocked Chakras | How to unblock your chakras | Chakra Affirmations | Sacral Chakra Imbalance | Chakra Meditations #EnergyCenters #SacralChakra #Chakra #Healing #ChakraMeditation #ChakraAffirmations #PositiveSayings #Positivity #Svadhishthana

How do I balance my sacral chakra?!

In order to balance your chakras, you must put in the hard work and dedicate time to working on yourself.

One of the easiest ways to balance your chakras is through nutrition.  Were you ever told to eat the rainbow or colorful plate of food?  We obtain certain nutrients and vitamins from different foods and foods based on their color

Try incorporating more orange foods into your diet–oranges, carrots, orange peppers, peaches, apricot, mangos, and sweet potatoes. Foods rich in Omega-3s, such as salmon, are also helpful to eat when balancing this chakra.

Although you won’t frequently find me on the mat, certain forms of yoga and yoga poses can help open up your sacral chakra.

If you’re interested in learning more about balancing your chakras through nutrition and/or yoga, I strongly suggest reading Dr. Kimberly Snyder’s “The Beauty Detox Power.”

The power of affirmations:

Is Your Sacral Chakra Blocked!? A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing your Sacral Chakra! How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra with Affirmations for Beginners - Sacral Chakra Healing | Svadhishthana Chakra | Blocked Chakras | How to unblock your chakras | Chakra Affirmations | Sacral Chakra Imbalance | Chakra Meditations #EnergyCenters #SacralChakra #Chakra #Healing #ChakraMeditation #ChakraAffirmations #PositiveSayings #Positivity #Svadhishthana

What worked for me was reciting daily affirmations aloud to myself. Some affirmations included “I am a creative, fluid being with unlimited power to create what I want,” and “I am radiant, beautiful, and strong, and I enjoy a passionate life.”

I suggest reciting these to yourself at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.  State these affirmations aloud and with confidence, all while looking into your own reflection in a mirror.

As silly as this exercise may sound, mirror work is a very powerful tool that can help you tap into your subconscious mind and change your negative thinking.  With every statement, you may naturally follow up with a douting thought, such as “no I’m not,” or “that’s not me.”  Resist the temptation to doubt yourself, and certainly don’t give into these negative statements!

Continue to lock eyes with yourself and recite your affirmations aloud, no matter how strong the negative thoughts are.  Retraining and rewiring your subconscious mind and belief system about yourself doesn’t come easy.

There will be times where you may think you’re going nowhere with this exercise.  I promise that it’s working. One day you’re going to wake up and state these affirmations without doubt and hesitation.

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    Here are 12 affirmations to balance your sacral chakra:

    1. I am a creative, fluid being with unlimited power to create what I want.
    2. I honor my body and treat myself respectfully.
    3. My sexuality is sacred. Pleasure is a sacred part of my life.
    4. It is safe to embrace my sensuality and sexuality.
    5. I love and enjoy my body.
    6. I am open to touch and closeness.
    7. I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
    8. I am radiant, beautiful, and strong, and I enjoy a passionate life.
    9. I am grateful for the joy of being me.
    10. I trust my feelings and give them room for expression.
    11. I am comfortable in my own skin.
    12. I {Your name here} have the right to say no without losing people’s love.

    Related: The Power of Affirmations & Examples

    Balancing my sacral chakra took about 6 months, as did balancing my root chakra. We all have experiences we need to heal from, and specifically working through this blocked energy center really helped me to work through some emotional blocks as well.

    Nothing in life comes easy, but with a little dedication and hard work, you’ll have this chakra flowing in no time!

    Related: A Beginner’s Guide to Balancing Your Root Chakra – with Affirmations

    Disclosure: There are some affiliate links above, but these are all products that I highly recommend.  I wouldn’t put anything on my website that I don’t approve of.

    Mindfully Glam by Marisa Barnard

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